
Insurance companies use geospatial data paired with their assets to asses the status of the claims or pifs they are responsible for. Historically, customers have used our platform to review aerial imagery of their assets and capture screenshots to copy into their system. This made it difficult to gauge usage and monetize the value they were extracting from the platform. To solve for this we developed Per Property Reports – the vehicle for extracting data and insights from the platform. Compared to the screenshots, reports included more supporting data for claims decisions and would enable us to track the number of reports created to charge per report. Therefore, more reports equals more revenue.

User Goal

Users want to inspect their assets and generate reports to support claims decisions.

Business Goal

Get our users to create more property reports instead of screenshots.


How might we demonstrate the value of Inspections to our users?

If the Explorer is where our users acquire and view their data then Inspections are where they manipulate and analyze their data. Part of the problem now is that we've provided the tools (swipe, opacity, etc.) necessary to perform low level inspections within the Explorer. This enables our users to easily capture screenshots of the data they need and bypass inspections and reports all-together.

How might we simplify the transition from Explorer to Inspections?

To generate reports users have to first create an Inspection. Inspections require an asset group and a workspace. This means the user has to first add layers to the Workspace, save the Workspace, select a Workspace, and then select an Asset/Asset Group. There is a lot required of the user to create an inspection and there are no natural paths to get there from the Explorer.


Hypothesis 01

If we remove the opacity, swipe, and other tools from the Workspace within the Explorer view CAT responders and field adjusters will create more Inspections. We hope this will accentuate the utility of our inspection tool and naturally push users through the workflow to create more. This will also bring users one step closer to creating a report which is a revenue generating action.

Hypothesis 02

If we allow our users to create inspections from assets or layers without requiring the user to create or select a workspace or asset group then our users will create more Inspections. We hope this will result in more reports generated because the transition from Explorer to Inspections will be more seamless.

Proposed Solutions

Solution 01

To address Hypothesis 01, simply remove the tools from the workspace when the user is in the Explorer view.

Level of Effort


Possible Dependencies
